Friday 30 September 2011

a scorcher of a week

wow this has been one beautiful week just as ive finished in Derby everything has been so nice they finally told me yesterday  i can start on Monday at quarter past 8. I am really looking forward to having proper full time hours to spend my money on obtaining a new car and saving the holiday i cant wait to start i just want to celebrate:D

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Monday 19 September 2011

when your smiling the whole world smiles with you

well what a start to the morning i went into the office to ask the director if it was possible about having the time off in December he basically turned around and said to me that i should not be thinking about that far ahead as i am not up to standards, if they fire me before three months i wil seriously think of going for an unfair dismissal but thankfully my day got better as i got home to find a voice mail on mobile saying can you please phone kirby Nursery. I have been offered a full time job as a nursery nurse with pre school closer to home and with better hours and pay so i will definately be able to hand my notice in to the nursery in Derby with a smile on my face and leave the past behind. i dont really mind what happens at the nusery now i cant wait to start with the pre school children at Kirby.

Thursday 15 September 2011

the warmth of a new coat

so not long ago on a shopping trip in Nottingham   i spent out on a brand new coat i haven't been able to wear it yet and now i have it feel so warm and cosy in the air of the cool wind. It has been crazy these past few days with the end of a hurricaine i hope my cousin now is able to fly off to New York soon which should of happened  over a week ago.
Also with the crazy wind the children were running around in it and i just feel like im not keeping up to standards and everything i does  goes wrong to my touch thank goodness the job offer closer to home was able to give me a second interview.  on Tuesday afternoon, i rushed straight back from Derby doing some rediculous speed in the car which will not be attempted again even though the fourty minutes journey seems to be longer every time i travel. I was cheerful to see the children there were more involved and inclined to take part in all activities where as back in Derby the one word i keep hearing all the time that i would officially love to ban is the word No it should be turned around to ok maybe later..  i am finding keeping a positive reinforcement on everything is very difficult when they are just not listening is it me!!
Anyway im really looking forward to hearing back and hopefully getting a chance to work closer to home one day untill then i am going to enjoy sitting in my car with my new warm coat:P